Nashua Nutrition: Beneficial Cinnamon
Cinnamon. It is a tasty way to address several health issues: migraine, blood pressure, diabetes mellitus. Chiropractic is all about health! Nutritional approaches to various ailments enhance the body’s proficiency to take care of itself. The key is finding which ones work for what! Moriarty Chiropractic shares some of the latest papers concerning this simple ingredient, cinnamon.
Cinnamon’s anti-inflammatory and neuroprotective properties were tested for migraine management. Migraine, the most common primary headache type, has higher levels of inflammation. Compared to a control option, cinnamon significantly decreased levels of inflammatory agents, interleukin-6 and nitric oxide. Cinnamon also lessened the frequency, severity and duration of migraine episodes. Cinnamon eased migraine in this study! As far as cinnamon goes, it’s safe. (1) Moriarty Chiropractic happily shares research-based safe options to try for health.
Blood pressure is a familiar health condition for many Nashua folks. Cinnamon supplementation favorably and significantly affected diastolic blood pressure and when taken for more than 8 weeks significantly affected systolic blood pressure. (2) Quite a few reports have reported that cinnamon reduced blood pressure. A new meta-analysis of 9 randomized clinical trials reported that cinnamon supplementation can improve blood pressure by a modest degree overall. Significant reductions in both diastolic and systolic blood pressure decreased when using 2 grams or more a day of cinnamon for at least eight weeks. (3) That is news worth sharing with our Nashua chiropractic patients.
Moriarty Chiropractic cares for many patients who also are dealing with diabetes type II. Diabetes mellitus is a disease involving many different issues associated with insulin resistance or low production of it by the pancreas. This all gives rise to lifelong damage to organs over a lifetime. Management is complex. Herbs are frequently added to the management. Cinnamon is cited as an advantageous choice for diabetic hypertensive patients. (4) A survey of the use of complementary alternative medicine by diabetic patients found that many use bitter apple, ginger, fenugreek, garlic and cinnamon. 66.1% consumed cinnamon. (5) Moriarty Chiropractic requests to know what our chiropractic patients are using and if they find benefit.
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Listen to this PODCAST with Dr. Jeremy Heidt on The Back Doctors Podcast with Dr. Michael Johnson as he describes migraine care and neck pain care with The Cox® Technic System of Spinal Pain Management. Chiropractors like Dr. Heidt mix the finest of research-documented treatment approaches to help Nashua chiropractic patients!
Schedule your next Nashua chiropractic visit at Moriarty Chiropractic. We can exchange tasty cinnamon recipes during your Cox® Technic treatment if you like!