Trigger Point Therapy At Moriarty Chiropractic

Trigger point therapy is for loosening up those tight knots in your back. It is a safe treatment for those of all ages and is often used to treat chronic pain and sports-related injuries. Trigger points are hypersensitive points in your muscles where the muscle tightens up and is painful with pressure. This pain can often radiate to other surrounding areas. Through utilizing trigger point therapy and other effective therapies, Dr. Moriarty will be able to locate the source of pain and assist you in your recovery, thus decreasing your pain and inflammation.
Just as in the office, trigger point therapy may be used at home to counteract the pain sensations you feel. Trigger points are those tender areas that when pressed “hurt good” in an odd way. Massaging these points actually reduces pain. Pressure of no more than the amount of pressure you put on your eyeball when rubbing it is required.
Have someone at home massage the trigger points gently and to your tolerance.
- If you only have low back pain, just have the painful low back areas massaged. It doesn't take much pressure.
- If you only have neck pain, just have the painful neck area massaged.
- If your pain goes down your arm or leg, direct your helper to follow the path of the pain down that extremity.
Very gentle and specific trigger point therapy at home may help reduce your pain.
Moriarty Chiropractic may use trigger point therapy in the office as well so you know what it feels like to guide your helper at home. Ask Moriarty Chiropractic if you have any questions at your next Nashua chiropractic visit.